For Sale
Articles .
My name is Marcus Pollard; I
live in "Tasmania" the Island State of Australia.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tasmania and
completed my Honors project on the endemic Green Rosella, (Platycercus
Throughout my life I have kept and bred a number of parrot and finch
species. I have achieved success with a number of species and have several
first breeding achievements for this State - these include the Chaffinch,
Golden Song Sparrow, Red-headed Red-Wing Pytilia and the Blue Quaker parrot.
Finches are my true love and today I maintain a fair-sized collection at
my home and have a number of other 'more exotic' finches in shares with two
well respected aviculturists.
I have often been asked to present talks on various aspects of finch
keeping and this site is an attempt to put something back into the 'hobby'
that has been the mainstay of my life over a number of years. By presenting
this information we hope that we can assist new bird keepers and fuel some
debate amongst older ones!
As you meander through these writings feel free to agree or disagree for
it is this debate that keeps the hobby alive. We are always open to new ways
of doing things and would love to put your suggestions or 'tricks of the
trade' up on our web site.
Marcus Pollard BSc.(Hons.)
"Home of the Beautiful Firetail."
All previous arrangements are null and void and if you wish to use any
articles and information from this site then your Club/Society has but to
ask and send me a copy of the article as it appears in your magazine - what
could be simpler!!!
All the best. Marcus Pollard

Click on Me to find out how!!!