This is the first in our look at how to survive with finches here in Tasmania. We were only just speaking the other day about the numbers we have seen over the decades come and go with finches - many with big plans and even bigger wallets! Most of these have perished along the wayside.
Hopefully we can iron out some of the "bugs" for you and allow you to survive in finches here - not easy but here we go!!


Part 1: Legally Speaking!!

Sounds ominous doesn't it!
If we do our job well by the end of this you may have a different idea of how to go about importing/exporting finches.

As of April 2007 it is legal to send out all finches to the mainland with the exception of  the Beautiful firetail, Emblema bella, which is our only native finch. This does and will change as a reflection of the status of many finches in the wild. In other words if a finch is declared endangered in the wild it may
become necessary to register that finch throughout Australia which means that it becomes a permitted bird and you would need a permit to move it from one state to another - at present this is not the case for finches. EASY!

Bringing finches in requires a permit for any finch - native or exotic. These are FREE and are easily obtained from the Department of Primary Industry & Wildlife on 62 336556. A downloadable form is to be found on their website but it is very small and difficult to write on!! It was suggested that the most satisfactory way to order a permit is to fax in your application direct to Wildlife on 62 333477.

               Your Permit application must have:

● Your name and residential address.
●  The name and residential address of the sender.
●  The common AND scientific name of ALL species for import.

● The number of birds of each species for import.


As an example let's say we are bringing in 4 Green singers our fax to the Wildlife Import Section should read something like this:

T o import by air into Hobart
4 Green singing finches  Serinus mozambicus

From Mal Gringe of 47 Lopers Lane Roinge  7547  Queensland

 Then all they need is your name and address and you are 100% legal and above board - Simple, as I suggested!!

Beware that native finches are protected in mainland states and that  each state has different requirements for their export so make sure you check with the relevant website or that your
exporter has his own permits in order to avoid any hassles.
A simple procedure to avoid any hassles with state Wildlife Officers!!

REMEMBER: To bring finches in without a permit is asking for trouble when all it takes is 5 minutes to do it legally. The people at Wildlife Permits are terrific and only too willing to assist so give them a yell!!


Oh, and remember that NO fruit, grass, corn or other vegetable matter can be imported into Tasmania so tell your exporter NOT to include these in with your finches.
One last thing is that given the new strict seed laws (scare you with these next time!!) try to get you exporter to put commercial brands of seed into your box - as from the supermarket and a brand available in Tasmania - Just In Case!!


Whew! Catch you next time.


A Mug's View Two!!

Since starting out one question that seems to be asked fairly frequently is "where do ya get yer stuff from"??
In other words where is it possible to get your bird supplies from  given that there are no specialty bird outlets in Tassy?
So this issue we are going to give up all our secrets and give members the low down on where to start their shopping about!

In no particular order here I might add!!!

The Australian Pigeon Company in Victoria has a terrific range of vet products and pigeon health gear that is fantastic. Their PVM powder, Golden Boost vitamin powder and Biocal are all tried and true by us down here. Dr Colin Walker has a great range, does mail order and his products are cheap and
effective!!  Colin is only too happy to help you out and present him with a problem and it's as good as fixed!   Website at  
Phone  03 9800 5311

Petcare Direct/Chapman Rings: This business has been
supplying many of us for longer than we care to remember!! From your summer bird ring supplies to every imaginable product for the finch keeper. They have a mail order business that gets your products into your mail box in rapid time!
All major brands of bird products are available at competitive prices and they have a catalogue listing all their stock which  will blow you away!!
From bags of finch crumbles to cane canary cups these guys have it all!
They are based in Sydney and can be contacted on 02 9533 3785

Bird R Us: John and Lisa Barrett are even members of our very own TFC so they must be good by association!!!  Okay, enough with the intro (do I get a discount guys??!)

The entire range of Mike Fidler products are available from here and remember that a donation from all you buy from that range of products goes to the Save The Gouldian Fund.
Mikes softfood is world renowned but do take care importing any seed products into the state given our draconian laws at present.
On line you can sign up for their catalogue and updates as well as being able to check out their birds for sales too!
Website at  

Phone  02 4990 3297 Or John's Mobile on 0418422001

Cooinda Downs Pastoral: If you are into bulk buys then these guys should be in your top contacts list! Hailing from "somewhere in NSW" they will get their products to you for the minimum amount of freight possible. Suggest you get your mates together and order big as you'll save in the long run - have a great range of Passwells products which are Aussie made and much liked by finches!!
Good source for bulk Multiclens and Canary Starter - voted by three of us as the best egg and biscuit on the market!!

As freight is so low it does take a while to get to you but a very, very small price to pay I assure you!

Website at     http://www.cooinda.com/category3_1.htm

Phone a Freecall at 1300 788787

Avicultural Accessories: Keith Gallagher in NSW runs this excellent business that supplies everything that you could possibly want plus a full range of avicultural magazines.
Give them a call on 02 9838 1256. they also have a comprehensive catalogue available.

Mealworms: Allyson from Bugs n' Things in Perth will sort out your mealie supplies for you with next day delivery to Hobart airport - might have to check for Northern delivery.
Phone 0419196540 


Buying and Selling Birds - our very own Bird Trader should be your first port of call but you will find a very good web-based one at Petlink Birds.
The URL is

And you will find a host of birds advertised here and everything on the site is free - from registration to actual advertising!
Afraid the finches are few and far between but several of us have used the service and had no problem what-so-ever. Still be careful and thoroughly check the seller before parting with your cash and all will be well. I have used it frequently and only suggest you avoid the idiot from West Cameroon that wanted to send me some "talking" Grey singers!!!

So there you go, a little advise and help for anyone having troubles getting any avian type goods and a few birds to boot!
Don't forget to support your local suppliers whenever possible but "just in case" you are now armed and dangerous!!